18 March 2012

Unpleasant truths for today


In Phnom Pench, a city of 1 million, there are 10,000 to 20,000 women and children in prostitution.

35% of prostitutes in Cambodia are under the age of 18. [3500 to 7000]

40 to 50% of prostitutes in Cambodia are HIV positive.

Brothel owners pay traffickers $350 to $450 for each attractive Vietnamese VIRGIN *16 years or younger*.

For $500, a customer can keep a virgin for a week in his hotel room.

The presence of UN soldiers in Cambodia increased demand and caused the number of prostitutes to rise.

Yeah, I know you didn't want to know that but now you do. What can we do about it? Don't tell me "nothing." If enough people can get together and drive Rush Limbaugh off the air, we can do something to save these girls. What if it were you? What if it were your daughter?
