28 July 2012

Willful ignorance abounds.


It's always the same thing over and over and over. I wish they'd come up with something new. Here are some examples. [Except my version is spelled correctly and has good grammar.]

Go back where you came from. Stay out of my state. Mind your own business.
[They like to assume that we all come from somewhere else so they can go on in blissful ignorance believing they speak for all West Virginians. The real outsiders are the coal companies. They make big profits and spend them in other states so we don't even benefit from it.]

If you don't like coal, turn off your lights. [My personal favorite.]
Coal keeps your lights on.
Go sit in the dark.
[They seem to have no idea that electricity can be generated by things other than coal.] [And this isn't about coal; this is about a method of extracting coal that is detrimental to West Virginia and Appalachia. Personally, I respect coal miners; they have a hard job going underground to get the coal.]

Why don't you go protest something that really matters?
[Because *this* really matters plus it's here where I live so I can be better involved in it.]

You're trying to take jobs away.
How will the miners feed their children once you take their jobs away?
[Sadly, they don't know that mountaintop removal is what took away the jobs. Regulations have actually caused an increase in mining jobs because the companies have had to go back underground.] [And why they don't know that is a mystery since I've posted the link to the data at the MSHA website all over the place. Even here. WV Office of Mine and Health Safety ]

Dirty treehuggers.
Get a job.
Never worked a day in your life.
Go back to your air-conditioned office job.
Take a bath.
Get a life.
[Ah, yes...the personal attacks. Personal attacks are what people do when they have no evidence or documentation to support their views. As I always say: Whoever first resorts to a personal attack is automatically the loser of the debate. This also goes for violence or threats thereof and name-calling which is a form of personal attack.]

After I posted some documented facts with sources, one woman posted that they should go look at my "religious beliefs" and they'll understand why we're doing this. So my not believing in a god somehow explains what other people are doing? I'm not so sure it even explains what I do. I don't believe in any gods. That doesn't change the fact that I'm a decent, caring person. Which *is* why I do what I do. OTOH, could she mean that I am posting intelligent information and documented facts because of my lack of belief in a god?

Willful ignorance abounds.