08 October 2015

An Invitation to Vote

“If you don’t vote, you can’t complain.”

Come to dinner at my house. I’m making a new recipe. It’s a special treat that I’ve been assured is really tasty. You take human excrement and mix it with a little dog excrement. There’s a yummy-looking cat excrement sauce that goes with it. Sounds delish, no?

So, do you want your excrement casserole a blue bowl or the red bowl?

Neither? No, you have to choose. I’m giving you the privilege to exercise your right to vote so you have to choose. All the guests will be voting on this so you might end up having to eat from the wrong color bowl. If that happens, you have no right to complain because you had a chance to vote.

You could choose the green one or the orange one, or even the pink one, but you’ll be wasting your vote as none of them could possibly be chosen so quit wasting my time and choose. Red or Blue?

What’s that you say? It doesn’t matter which bowl is chosen, it’s still shit?

My point exactly.

And if enough of us refuse to choose which bowl we’ll eat our shit from, they’ll quit serving it.

*If you vote, you have no right to complain. Every time you vote, you encourage the system to continue the way it is. The shitty casserole isn’t going to taste better from a bowl of a different color. It’s shit. Accept it and refuse to eat it.*