29 June 2016

Why don't you mind your own business?

Perhaps it's an issue of defining our terms. What, exactly, is *your* business?

Whatever the stand I'm taking, there will be people who ask, "Why don't you protest something *important*?" [emphasis mine] Or, "Why do you care; it's not about you?"

My question is "Why do so many people lack passion and compassion?"

Because I take a stand for what's right on an issue that doesn't affect me, my motives are suspect? Have they never seen something worth standing up for? If their neighbor chains their child out in the yard and doesn't feed them, would they ignore it because it's not their child? I think not. At least, I hope not. Although, from comments made by some about my interest in "other people's business", I could be mistaken.

Whether or not I agree with a cause, I admire someone who stands for something. Clearly, that person considers their cause as important enough to actually do something. Which is a whole lot more than some people do who are oblivious to the wrongs in this world. It is much more than those whose only response to injustice is to gripe and point fingers. I find I have more affinity with activists in whose causes I disagree than with those in my previous sentence who don't care enough to do anything.

The people who criticize activists for not protesting something else or for not minding their own business generally are those who don't bother with anything that doesn't affect their own little world and then their only response is to complain and blame others.

That's what earthchild thinks. What do you think about it?