05 March 2011

Cutting the budget

This is something I wrote on Facebook a while back: 

Why is it when discussing where government should cut expenses, the most popular one is to cut assistance to poor people?

Why don't we consider cutting the politicians' pay? They make way too much. They could live on way less.

The president earns a $400,000 annual salary, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment. Plus he gets all of his living expenses paid (including all food, tailor made clothing, gasoline, transportation, utilities, medical care, security, golf outings, vacations, grand parties and banquets, theater performances seated in the Presidential box, private showings of new release movies, command performances by the greatest musical artists, personal servants, private secretaries, master chefs, and personal trainers).

So what exactly does he need the $569,000 for?

When a president leaves office, he receives a lifetime pension of $191,300 annually, staff and office expenses, medical care or health insurance, and Secret Service protection. Also, "transition funding" for seven months. Secret Service protection for self and family for ten years. Used to be lifetime but that ended with Clinton. Treatment at military hospitals but they have to pay for this. Probably not much. (Presidents before 1958 didn't get any "retirement" benefits.) Travel funds. Oh, yeah, and franking privileges.

Yes, he does a job and should get paid. But $569,000. A dozen families could live comfortably on that. He should be ashamed.

Congress authorized a total of $1.5 million for the transition expenses of outgoing president George H.W. Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle. This is to help them transition to a private life.

Former presidents also get state funerals with military honors. Not cheap, I would imagine.

The Vice President's salary is the same as that of the Chief Justice of the United States and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, which, for 2009, is $227,300. He also gets his housing and expenses paid. He must serve a minimum of 5 years to qualify for a pension. If so, he gets the same pension as any other member of congress, which depends on number of years served. Usually ranges from $41,000 to $85,645. Ya know... the difference between the president's compensation and the vp is surprising.

I'm not going to go any further down the line but y'all can imagine what they make. I'm sure it's too much. Why do they get to live so much better than the rest of us? Why do they get to live that way when some people starve and are homeless?

Now I feel sick to my stomach. They should all be ashamed.

Oh, yeah, I wanted to mention the congressional pensions. Two congressmen have opted out: Ron Paul and Howard Coble.

The median American income is $45,113 for men and $35,102 for women. And they're most likely supporting families on that. I, personally, made about $20,000 one year. Never made more than that. Way less. And I supported a family on it.

To paraphrase Nigel Farage: Just who do these people think they are?!


Wendy Blaski said...

How about this: congress can repay all the money they've "borrowed" (stolen with no intent of ever paying it back) and we won't have an issue.

I liked your earlier post today where one of the senators said cutting SSDI would put some people below poverty level. WHAT THE HELL UNIVERSE DOES HE LIVE IN??!! If you're on SSDI, you're already WAY WAY WAY below poverty level.

So, ES, will you block me from your blog for swearing and telling them they can kiss my fat german ass?!

earthchild said...

Not at all, my friend. When they get finished kissing your ass, they can kiss my boney Celtic ass.

Unknown said...

I don't mind paying all that if they did a good job running the country.

A lot of people work on approval measures or commissions of some kind. Some customer service reps get paid based on the survey you take after they take your call. Waitresses live off their tips. Salespeople get a percentage of what they sell. They are compensated based on their performance.

You see where I'm going with this.