10 January 2012

Christian comedian's funny and insightful take on being an atheist


This was posted on Facebook by a friend. I have too much to say to put my entire response there.

I didn't see anything particularly insightful and the only funny part is that he has no idea what atheists think or even what evolution is but he chooses to make an ass of himself anyway. Trust me...he's funny...atheists are laughing at him. Nothing he said was original; just stuff that Christians like to say about atheists.

BTW, atheist =/= evolution. An atheist is someone who has no god. An atheist probably accepts some form of evolution (there are several theories) but accepting that doesn't make one an atheist. There are Christians and persons of other religious beliefs who accept the factual, peer-reviewed science behind evolution. That evolution happens is a proven scientific fact; scientists just haven't figured out the details yet. As has been said many times before, “Just because we don’t know how it happened that doesn’t mean god did it.”

So this fellow is actually very ignorant. Of course, ignorance isn’t bad; we're all ignorant about something. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. This guy goes beyond ignorance, though. He's actually stupid which is a state of remaining ignorant by choice. He revels in his ignorance like a pig rolls in mud.
He obviously has no idea what an atheist really is. It's real easy to say a person believes something and then make fun of what you said they believe. Actually knowing their thoughts and making a well-reasoned rebuttal is quite a different thing entirely. When a person isn't smart enough to do the latter, they resort to the former.

What was the point of his locking the doors? The woman obviously came to that decision by some research and deep thought on the topic. I'd bet she's pretty well-versed on the Bible. People don’t become atheists based on emotionalism. Atheists generally know more about what the Bible says than Christians. Many atheists, myself included, will tell you that one of the reasons they left religion is that they actually read their Bible seriously with an open mind. If he’d locked me in his house and tried talking bullshit like what he said in this clip to me, he'd be unlocking and running out the door in a hurry. With his hands over his ears yelling, "lalalalalalalalalala..." which is the usual response from people like him when exposed to logic, evidence, and reason.

An important point also comes to mind. If this person or anyone in his audience really cares about an atheist’s “soul” and “bringing them to the truth”, how is making fun of them going to help? Wouldn’t it make more sense to do some research into what they think and why... maybe talk to them seriously and really listen. That way you can have a well-reasoned discussion and they’ll be more willing to listen to what you have to say. But that would be if you really cared. Which this guy obviously doesn’t.

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