24 May 2016

The Right to Control Others

I’ve been thinking about this and just can’t seem to grasp it. Could someone explain to how it is that I can have a law made to control the personal decisions of others? I don’t mean murder, assault, theft, or damaging someone’s property; I mean choices that cause no harm to another person.

For example, why should I get to determine what you can eat or drink? Or when and where you can consume the food or beverage of your choice? I can understand not allowing people to smoke in public places or setting off areas for smoking but there are towns where people aren’t even allowed to smoke in their own homes! A person’s home is his castle; no one should be able to control your behavior on your own property unless it’s beyond a doubt harming neighboring properties.

The real kicker here is that people will complain about a law that limits their choices but advocate for one that controls another person. If only people would realize the problem isn’t the particular laws but the fact that we allow them to exist. A person can’t expect to control their neighbors without allowing their neighbors the right to control them.

Take some time today to think about which laws bug you and why. Then think about laws about which you’ve heard others complain. Do you see a connection? Would you be willing to get rid of that law if they would toss out the one you don’t like? I would say, yes; you, on the other hand, might think it’s worth giving up your freedom if it means you get to control other people.

Those are my thoughts for this morning. Er…, I mean: Earthchild has spoken; now it’s your turn. Please comment below.

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