28 February 2011

Whole lotta noise

I was just studying for a sociology exam and got to thinking about this concept of how we—as individuals—have a responsibility towards society. I, personally, tend to believe that I am an individual and have no responsibilities other than those to which I’ve agreed. On the other hand, I do see the need for people to work together on some things. It’s just not clear to me just how much responsibility each of us has and to whom. We do have responsibility for our actions but, other than that, how are “the rules” to be determined? Do we have to go against our basic beliefs because someone else determined that was best for society? Can we make others go against their beliefs because we think our way is best? Who gets to decide?

27 February 2011

Peaceful Protest

Well, obviously, I'm not going to be able to keep up with this as I would like. I have the thoughts but can't get time to do it. Maybe I'll do better this summer while school is out. Now I just have too much homework and studying to do. Anyway, I wrote this a while back but meant to add more so never did post it. 
While many of us celebrate the victory of the Egyptian people against tyranny, it causes one to wonder what would happen if the people of America were to hold non-violent protests against some of the unconstitutional laws of the United States government. Well, we don’t have to wait to see what would happen because it’s happening already. Check this out:

14 February 2011

To Begin

Sometimes I have a lot to say so I’ve decided to write a blog. Perhaps someone will be interested in the thoughts and interests rambling around in my head. I usually talk to myself on the drive to school and I think “This is great; I should write it down” but forget about it later. 

Anyway, if you’re interested in reading my ideas and opinions, welcome. Feel free to disagree. You won't be the first. Please use reason and evidence, whenever possible as that will carry a lot more weight than opinion. You won't be the first for that either but, sadly, you'll be in a small group.