14 February 2011

To Begin

Sometimes I have a lot to say so I’ve decided to write a blog. Perhaps someone will be interested in the thoughts and interests rambling around in my head. I usually talk to myself on the drive to school and I think “This is great; I should write it down” but forget about it later. 

Anyway, if you’re interested in reading my ideas and opinions, welcome. Feel free to disagree. You won't be the first. Please use reason and evidence, whenever possible as that will carry a lot more weight than opinion. You won't be the first for that either but, sadly, you'll be in a small group.

When people don't agree, it doesn’t mean either of them is a bad person or a stupid person. I don’t think I have any friends with whom I agree with on every issue. I even have some friends with whom it seems we never agree. I’ve learned from these friends. Even if I didn’t change my mind, the research and thinking I had to do to respond to them strengthened my own knowledge.
It’s good to share opinions and viewpoints. Everyone can learn something by opening their minds and listening to the views of others. You might find something that you’d never thought about from a different view.

Anything I write or link to here is not intended (by me) to offend anyone or hurt their feelings but I can't promise it won't be interpreted that way. If it's a link or comment, I can’t speak for the original author.

For example: Many people think religion should be abolished. They have their reasons, I’m sure. But I think that each of us has a right to believe as we do and to teach it to our own children. I don't think anyone has a right to not have to hear an opposing thought in public (in their own home is another matter.) I think it’s important for anyone to know what others who are not of their belief system have to say. In that way, maybe we can come to a better understanding of why people believe as they do.

I believe if we all quit fussing about our differences and focused on where we agree, the world would be a better place. Don’t give me that crap about how you’ll do it when the “other side” does. Just do it. Perhaps they’ll follow. Even if they don’t, you’ll be a better person for it.

That’s it for today. Gotta go to class.

Stay tuned…

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