24 May 2011

Sean Keefe: A Case of Paternity Fraud

To anyone with any sense of justice and morality, the fact that this injustice must be corrected and now is obvious. I don't see how any logical and reasonable person could see otherwise. Sean Keefe is the uncle of a friend of mine. I'll let him tell his own story in the video below--and I recommend clicking through to youtube to read more details--but this situation has touched me in such a way that I must comment. Not only comment but do whatever I can to spread the facts of this miscarriage of justice so that perhaps others will stand up for the liberty and justice for all of which America is supposed to represent.

What has been done to this young man, while not the first case of injustice I've seen, and not even the worst, strikes me hard when I think this could be my own son going through this. While I support Sean and his efforts, and while I respect him and hope this all works out for him, this is not about Sean. This is about what's right and what's wrong. This is happening to men all over the country. The details of this are told on Sean's Facebook page and his Youtube page so I'll not repeat it here but PLEASE go to those sites and read about it. There are 38 states with no paternity fraud laws. If your state is among them, and West Virgina IS, then PLEASE do what you can help us bring about laws that will protect people from that harm that is brought about by dishonest people who are willing to use their own child to extract money deceitfully from innocent people.

Please watch this video and then check the links below for more information and actions that you can take to help Sean and to correct this injustice for others.

Sean's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/WV.Paternity.Fraud?sk=info [If you read through the comments, you will find contact information. Please write to these media outlets and government agencies to get more attention to the matter and get help from anyone who is able.] Please do what you can to help get this information out. Thanks.

Sean's Youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/SPKCEK
West Virginia Senate Bill 502: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_text.cfm?billdoc=sb502+intr.htm&yr=2011&sesstype=RS&i=502 [Paternity Justice Act of 2011]
West Virginia Senate Bill 503: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_text.cfm?billdoc=sb503+intr.htm&yr=2011&sesstype=RS&i=503 [Why on earth should a person have to support a former spouse who cheated on him? That's absurd. The cheater should be paying, if anyone.]

In researching this matter, I have found the following links of interest:

http://www.ejfi.org/family/family-78.htm#paternity [Such are the injustices of our laws and courts.]

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