17 April 2011

Dogs and their people needed help

I had to run (okay...drive) all the way to Beckley today to get printer ink. On my way to stop by Kroger, I saw this young couple with a dog. They had a sign about needing help. I don't like to hand out money so I bought them a few things in Kroger. Not much; some stuff like apples and crackers. I didn't have much to spend. I also got some dog biscuits and some bottles of cold water. So when I got back over there, I discovered they also had a cute little puppy.

I know there are those who will say I'm a fool and I've been had but it felt right to help them. I don't think that makes me special or anything. I just think that could be me or one of my sons or our puppies that need help. What if we ended up losing our home--we ain't that far from it--and had no way to keep our dogs? I know there are people who would say give them away or take them to a shelter. I'm not an overly sensitive and emotion person. I try to be realistic and practical. But those people have no heart. I don't see any way I could give up any of my puppies; they're part of the family. If it came down to it, we'd go live on the mountain even without a house. We could build a shelter of some sort. We'd manage. When Mighty Dog was young and we had a rough time keeping her (and us) in food, Clyde would go shoot a squirrel for her dinner some days.

As I was walking away, the girl was opening the bag and I heard her say in an excited voice, "Apples!" I had to sit in my car and cry for a while before I could drive home. Some think that people who are having a bad time must have done something to cause it or deserve it. I guess it makes them feel better for not caring or helping, and maybe it takes away the fear that it could happen to them.

It's so sad that there are people who have no place to be; no food; no access to clean water or even a drink of water. Even people who used to have a decent life who now have lost it all. There have been people who have had to give up their own children because they could no longer feed and shelter them. Not their dogs but their CHILDREN! Can you imagine how that would feel?

I've been researching this because I'm writing a paper for school on this topic. There are people who had a nice house and decent income who have lost it all. There are children who had their own room and nice toys and clothes and who always knew there would be dinner who had to give all that up. There are families who had to give up their pets because the other choice was to watch them starve because they couldn't even get food for their own children.

What is wrong in this country when things like this are going on? What is wrong when people go out and buy themselves and their kids new stuff when there are those who have nothing, not even hope? Do you think by helping them you're encouraging them to not try? Maybe by not helping them you're encouraging them to die. Think about that. Believe me, I'm not saying I'm any better. I went most of my life never even thinking about stuff like this. It's only come to me recently and I feel the need now to make sure everyone knows. Once you know something, you're responsible to act.

Did y'all know there's a homeless shelter in Beckley? There are food pantries in Raleigh and Fayette counties. Maybe these places could use some help.

The New Homeless

Homeless Pets

Homeless Family

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