26 March 2016

What do you choose for me?

Some background:

I have been tormented with ever-increasing levels of pain for 26 years stemming from a car accident in 1990. [A young woman who wasn't paying attention rammed her Big Truck into my Omni.] Since the accident I've tried an assortment of therapies, both physical and chemical, but nothing has made more than a temporary dent and many of the chemical treatments caused unpleasant side effects. Some nights I wake up in so much pain that I can't sleep and can only sit and cry. Some days I think there is no point in living like this and long for it to end.

The possibility of medical cannabis caught my eye some time ago but it is illegal where I currently live. Many long years ago, even before the accident, I smoked some cannabis with people I knew at that time. I wasn't that impressed and moved on. I never craved it; I just happened to be at gatherings where it was being smoked so I tried it a few times. Since that time I've never had any desire for it. So much for addiction. [Cigarettes are another matter. Over six years without and I still sometimes want a cigarette.]

With that background in mind, which do you choose for me?

1. Remain in constant daily pain that sometimes keeps me from doing normal daily activities and always reduces my quality of life.

2. Take strong opioids that don't take away nearly enough of the pain to make life worth living and can cause unpleasant side-effects.

3. Try some cannabis and see if I really can get some relief like so many others have found.

4. No point in adding this one because I probably wouldn't do it but: End my miserable life.

5. If there is another option, please add it in the comments.

Now that you've made my choice, tell me this: Other than the fact that I just asked you to choose, why do you think you have the right to choose for me? Why do you claim the right to decide what medical treatments I can use or what substances I put into my own body? Seriously, I have no desire to decide for you what you can do with your own body so why your big interest in mine? I think I'm adult enough to make my own choices and should be able to do so without risk of legal penalties.

Earthchild has spoken and is interested in what you have to say. Please comment below.

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