24 December 2015

Help for age 65 and over with low income

Just wanted to let everyone know about a discovery I made while helping my neighbor with his Social Security. If you have a low income and are 65 years old or older, you can qualify for additional income in the form of an SSI [Supplemental Security Income] check. The caring people in our government want to ensure that everyone who is 65 or older has enough money to live. They’ve figured up how much you need and they’ll subtract whatever income you have*—which is likely just your Social Security check—from that amount and give you the balance. Isn't that great?! So if your income is less than $733** rest your worries here because your money problems are over. You should probably send them a thank-you note.

Another load off your mind will be that if you get SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program]—which most likely you do if your income is that low—you don’t even have to worry about reporting that extra income. The Social Security Administration will inform them on your behalf, which is kind of them. You wouldn’t want to take more than your fair share, would you? Of course not. Once your SSI is approved, you’ll get a letter from the DHHS [Department of Health and Human Services] letting you know that your SNAP will be cut due to your increased income.

For example, in the county where I live, if your Social Security check is around $500 a month, you get somewhere in the vicinity of $150 for SNAP and you’ll get about $233 from SSI. Good deal, huh? Of course, your SNAP will drop to about $20. Don’t look at me like that. The Government giveth and the Government taketh away. Everyone knows that. Besides, how much does an old-timer need to eat, anyway. There’s only so much money to go around and the hard-working people who run corporations and industries need subsidies much more than you need luxuries like food, soap, and toilet paper. Stop being selfish. They have to pay their executives enough to live on, you know. Not to mention the salaries and benefits for our elected representatives.

On a side note: if you’re receiving any type of Social Security check, you’re probably aware by now that there will be no COLA [Cost of Living Adjustment] for 2016. Well, the cost of living hasn’t gone up so why should you get more, you greedy SOB [Son of a Bitch]. Quit acting as if you’re entitled to that money you were promised when you voluntarily paid into it. Sheesh. 

You selfish old people are the root of all the troubles in this country. You should have planned for your retirement better than that. 

 *Minus $20
**Some states add to this.

That’s what Earthchild has to say for today. Leave your comments below.

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