13 April 2011

Christopher Hitchens born this day in 1949.

After I let go of my religious beliefs, I was reluctant to let others know. Not only could I not talk about it with family and long-term friends but I wasn't able to express my opinion on issues from my point of view.

That's changed now and I'm getting more and more comfortable as time passes. There are several people that I can thank for this. Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, Brian Keith Dalton... and several others have shown me not to be afraid to speak up. At the top of the list is the man whose birthday is today. That man has inspired me to say what's on my mind and not to be worried about whether someone isn't going to like it. That man is Christopher Hitchens.

I saw Hitch recently on an interview expressing how he didn't understand why all of these people took such an interest in him. Could he really not understand how he touches so many of us and inspires us to be who we are? I wish I could tell him.

In addition to the inspiration to accept my beliefs about god and the lack thereof, Hitch has also taught me about death. From what I've read and from interviews I've watched, he has the peace and dignity that I hope I will have when my time comes.

I am thankful that he was born so today I want to add my voice to the chorus of people who are wishing Christopher a wonderful and joyous anniversary of his birth and--and this means more than when it's said casually--MANY MANY MORE. An abundance of more. 

Peace and comfort to Hitch and to his family and loved ones.

"The only real radicalism in our time will come as it always has — from people who insist on thinking for themselves and who reject party-mindedness." Christopher Hitchens

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