14 April 2011

Groping at the airport

There is a new horror story going around now about a 6-year-old girl being groped. Honestly, I'm getting tired of it. No, I don't mean the obvious: "I'm tired of people being groped." I mean I'm tired of hearing people complain about being groped. Enough has been known about this that by now, if you are a parent standing in line with your child, you know perfectly well that your child is likely to be groped. Yet you took that precious child and got in line. I don't want to hear about it.

The only way this will ever end is when people just stop flying. Not just on a certain day; that's just symbolic of our powerlessness. DO NOT FLY AT ALL. Yes, this will be extremely difficult for some but most people have options however inconvenient those options may be. Stop flying, people! That is the only solution. How long do you think it would take if the airlines were losing that much money? I don't want to hear your excuses. Protecting our freedom is inconvenient.
Do you suppose that Paul Revere--on being told he'd need to carry the message that the Redcoats were coming--said, "Gee, sorry guys, but I always have dinner with the family on that evening."

Do you suppose there was a conversation at the Boston Tea Party planning meeting that went: "Well, sure it's a great idea. But I have to work the next day so I need my sleep. I'm sure there will be a big enough turn-out without me."

Or signing the Declaration of Independence: "I don't know fellas. We could get in a lot of trouble for this. You know they keep a list with our names on it. Things aren't that bad, are they? Maybe if we wait a while, it'll all blow over. Maybe when the next king comes to the throne things will be different."  

You get the idea. This whole matter depends on each of us. Protecting our freedom depends on YOU. Not just in the matter of the TSA but in the matter of our personal, individual, daily freedom.

But, as for the matter at hand: Don't fly. If you cooperate, you only encourage them. If you make a fuss at the gate, you will be used as an example. Just don't even get in line. By getting in line, you are volunteering to be groped. By putting your child in line... well, I think it's obvious what I think about a parent who would put their child in that situation. It's not just what is going to happen to them but--maybe even moreso--what they are going to learn from it. How will they view their freedom and rights as adults after you've shown them that it's okay to kneel to authority? Is that what our soldiers have fought and died for?

I don't care how wonderful Disneyland is or how much I love dear old aunt Matilda who lives across the country, I will not put myself, much less my children, in a line to be groped. It will be a long car ride or nothing. Life's full of sacrifices; this is one of many. 
Either you want to live free or you don't. I'm certainly not going to teach my children that "sometimes" it's okay to set aside their rights and submit to authority. Not gonna happen.
We all talk about how America is the greatest country on earth; about how free and brave we all are. Talk is cheap. Let's see some action. 
 Earthchild has spoken. Thanks for listening.

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