26 March 2011

Dishonesty in reporting and blogging

I am so sick of dishonesty! Okay... Christopher Hitchens is an atheist. And he's dying from cancer. He has a friend who is a doctor and a scientist who is working on finding a cure for cancer from the human genome. Francis Collins also happens to be a Christian. Did I mention they are friends? So Hitch agreed to be a guinea pig for this experimental treatment. It probably won't even help him--although, I sure hope it does because he's awesome!--but the experiments will be useful in finding a cure for cancer eventually.

So today I'm seeing all  over the place headlines saying something like "Atheist turns to Christian doctor for cancer treatment." They're trying to imply that an Atheist went begging for a Christian to help him. Even with being the cynic and skeptic that I am, I am still flabbergasted. And truly pissed. People should be more honest. The truth is that Hitch has already said that knowing he will die soon is not going to make him change his mind about whether there is a god.

And the experimental treatment came about through science by a scientist [Francis Collins] who is a Christian and also believes in evolution.

What really gets me is how certain people will post something like this and then close the comments so no one can dispute it. I see it all the time on blogs and on youtube. The Atheists almost always leave their comments open. So, anyway, I read this on some woman's blog today and, of course, she had her comments off. Heaven forbid someone post the truth.

Sheesh. I'm already worried about Hitch and sad about losing him so soon. Now people gotta twist his situation around to support the lies they want to tell. Lying is also a sin.


Anonymous said...

The funny thing is...you never see an atheist trying to convert a Christian to their beliefs either. I am sure there is some out there but there is no guide book to tell them to bring the hell burners to the flock or otherwise condemn them or stone them. The teachings or the bible is pretty violent if you ask me.

earthchild said...

Christopher Hitchens said something about this recently. About how they try to take advantage of your weakness when you're sick. Now that he's dying, he's been getting a lot of that. He really hit it on the head! I so adore him!