04 March 2011

New Liberty Party?

Okay, I’m looking at the platforms of these three groups:

Libertarian Party:

Democratic Freedom Caucus:

Republican Liberty Caucus:

And, yeah, I do see some differences, and I don’t agree with everything, but I do think they’re all on the right track. I think it would be good if they’d get together and hammer out those differences. And then work together. That would be a party in which I could believe. And they’d probably be big enough to get results.

The two caucuses are still connected to the “parent” party which makes no sense because they have way different ideas. They have more in common with the LP. But the LP isn’t going to get results. The cards (campaign rules) are stacked against them, for one thing. And I don’t think the other two will make any real change as long as they are connected to the “Big Two Who Are Really One Party.”

I don’t know. Let me know what you think.

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