29 March 2011

Weekend Libertarian: On Hitchens, The Suffering Atheist

Weekend Libertarian: On Hitchens, The Suffering Atheist: "B.P. Terpstra “Christopher Hitchens is undergoing radiation treatment and wasn't able to write this week's column on his usual schedule,”

"it’s politically-incorrect for Christians to share their faith, but acceptable for militant atheists to evangelize 24/7."

Yet another Christian with a persecution complex. From what I see and have seen all my life, Christians never hesitate to "share their faith." And they freak out if someone even casually say they're an atheist. Where do these people get off acting as if those mean old atheists are keeping them down? I've never known of a situation where a person was afraid that people at their job might find out they're a Christian. Yet I know people who are concerned that even their own family might find out.

And, as I said in my earlier rant, they've been putting up billboards and church signs and different displays for as long as I know and yet they have a hissy-fit if an atheist group dares to put up a sign.

Even after all these years, the audacity amazes me. Can they really be this blind or are they being deceitful? I guess some are one; some are the other.

"You can easily lose count of all the famous Protestant/Catholic intellectuals and their great contributions to healthcare/medicine." And the same goes for atheists, agnostics, and free-thinkers.

And his ending: "Are we surprised that atheists pray though?" Who?! Show me. Give me an example of an atheist who prays.

And, of course, as usual, there is no way to comment. Well, my comments are open. And unlike those forwarded messages I get from religious folk, I don't say, "If you agree, pass this on. If you don't agree, just delete it and shut up." Grrrr... If you agree with me, say so. If you don't, tell me why and back it up. If you have questions, ask. I believe people who disagree can have a reasonable discussion.

Sorry to rant twice in a row but just read this and it pissed me off.

And what really irks me is that this guy is a libertarian. I expect libertarians to be more reasonable. Guess I was mistaken.


Ben said...

Hi - you are free to comment on my works over at The Patriot Post and elsewhere. I don’t have the time to debate with people on my website, but am happy to do so elsewhere (when time permits).

As for praying atheists, most atheists tell pollsters that they pray, although some pray more frequently than others, of course. I’ll write about these findings at a later date.

Church signs or atheist signs? I support both as a free thinker and am not threatened by free speech. The more free speech the better, in my view.

earthchild said...

If you don't want to debate, don't. It just annoys me when people put up comments and don't have a way for others to comment. I don't know anything about the Patriot Post.

As for those poor Christians who aren't allowed to "share their faith" while atheists can "evangelize" 24/7 [you do see how you spun that, right?}, that is just absolutely not the truth. Christians go on and on about their beliefs and expect everyone to accept it and then freak out if someone suggests something different.

As for these alleged "praying atheists", Yes, THIS atheist is surprised [and doubtful] as would any other atheist. I'd sure like to see those polls and have the criteria for the polls. As an atheist, I do not pray and cannot imagine an atheist who does. Who would they pray to? It makes no sense.

Anyway, I've said pretty much all I have to say about it. If you wish to comment further, go right ahead. I might come up with further comments. If not, that's okay, too.