28 March 2011

Hypocrisy and whiners

I recognize that there are many Christians to whom this does not apply and who are just as appalled as I. If you are offended by what I have to say about this, it's because you see yourself in it. In that case, know that I'm offended, too.

So the Freedom From Religion Foundation is putting up signs across the country that say things like "Imagine No Religion." There have been a few other cases where atheist and freethinker groups have put up billboards or signs on buses that say similar things like, "Be good for goodness sake." and "Sleep in on Sunday."

It never fails that we get a bunch of whiny religious people saying how wrong it is that atheists get to put up signs like that because THEY find the signs offense. What a bunch of hypocrites! They've been putting up their signs since the beginning of signs! How can they say they shouldn't have to see our signs when we have to see theirs?!  I just saw one guy on the news say that theirs was a religious neighborhood and if someone didn't like that, they should move. !!! Excuse me?! I cannot believe how bigoted people can be!

Then they have the nerve to say how atheists are angry and 'on the attack' against them! Like we go around to sick and dying people in the hospital and try to scare them into believing our way. I think Hitch says it well here:

Anyone with a brain can see that atheists are just tired of having to hide so now they're saying, "Hey, we're here!" And with few exceptions, they're also saying, "You're free to believe as you choose. We just want that freedom, too." Why?! Someone tell me WHY that cannot happen?! Why can these bigots not respect the rights of others to their own beliefs?

Many of them think it's also perfectly fine for them to knock on our doors and tell us what they believe. What would they think if an atheist knocked on their door and told them what he believes? I'll tell you what. They'd be crying about how persecuted they are.

(I can't believe that old guy hit him with a broom! Oh, wait...yes, I can.)

Of course, I don't mean every religious person. Or even every Christian. Just the ones who think they have special rights over other people. Just the ones who think they're being persecuted because someone else wants the same rights that they have.

Sorry for the rant. Oh, wait...no, I'm not. Ranting is what I do. I don't mean to offend anyone unless they deserve it. If none of this applies to you, then great...I don't mean you. If you see yourself in this, know that you're showing me that you believe you're better than me and that you have special rights over me and, if you call yourself my friend, then perhaps you should reconsider because you hurt my feelings daily.

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